Vetted experts
Building an in-house team isn’t easy, it requires a significant amount of time and money before you even get to see any results.
Matched from 600+ top-performing marketers
Experts matches are based on 25+ factors from niche experience to personality
Your experts come with proven track records to make your working relationship a success
See exactly who is doing what, and where, and when with our Insights Feed
Be on top on your marketing results with clear campaign and channel performance dashboards
Get continuous updates and insights from your Experts and Growth Strategist
Meet with an expert in 48 hours of filling out the brief
Receive a full marketing plan from your chosen experts within the 1st week.
Go live with your marketing campaigns immediately after you approve the plan
With Mayple you get the best of both optimized hiring and optimized management. So you get maximum results.
Vetted experts
8+ years of experience
Over 35 available expertise
Built according to what’s right for your brand at each growth stage
Monthly subscription
Unbiased monitoring of your experts’ work & performance
Live monitoring tool
One monthly fee (that’s all you pay)
Limited access to top talent who don’t work for brands and agencies anymore
Long & complicated hiring process
Hard to change according to your ad-hoc marketing needs
Not enough knowledge to monitor in-house
Hiring costs
Training costs
HR & compliance costs
Sick days, vacation time, it all falls on you
View your campaign results, ads, and analyze your current campaigns all from one dashboard
Get weekly updates and monthly summaries about KPIs and activities in your insights feed
Your marketers’ work and performance are actively monitored by our team and technology
Meet your dedicated Growth Strategists for monthly meetings to plan your next winning moveה
Jade Beason
Founder & CEO
"They match you with a vetted marketing freelancer, but then they also provide continuous support and monitoring to ensure that the freelancer who you’re working with is excellent"
Doreen D.
Agency Owner Media People
“Mayple’s matching process takes into account so many variables that I wouldn't even have thought of when trying to hire a marketing agency ”
Victor Henning
Ph.D. Founder & CEO, Fjorden
“We found Mayple's mix-and-match approach to be the perfect solution for assembling our marketing dream team”
Jack Benzaquen
Founder & CEO, Duradry
“My secret weapon for success! Whatever you get from Mayple will be FOR SURE above average. You can't go wrong with Mayple. Highly recommended!”